ultimods wrote in
Nov 25, 2009 14:55
Please use the following header for any post you make in Ultimania. You do not have to fill out everything but it would be nice if you did! Also remember to tag your posts properly with character, setting and, if possible, event tags!
ff7: loz,
ff4: rydia,
ff7: vincent valentine,
ff5: faris scherwiz,
dff: bartz klauser,
ff7: minerva,
ff9: kuja,
dff: manikin,
dff: cloud of darkness,
*mod post,
ffx: jecht,
dff: emperor,
ffxiii: rygdea,
ffxiii: lightning farron,
ffxi: febrendard,
kh: maleficent,
dff: shantotto,
ffxi: luzaf,
dff: weapon,
dff: gabranth,
ff7: aerith gainsborough,
dff: firion,
kh: braig,
ff8: raijin,
kh: xigbar,
kh: ventus,
kh: vexen,
ffxii: country,
ff2: leon,
ff7: reno,
ffxii: marquis halim ondore iv,
ff8: original character,
dff: zidane tribal,
ff9: ruby,
ff7: weapon,
ff7: jenova,
kh: namine,
ff7: yazoo,
dff: exdeath,
kh: xaldin,
kh: axel,
ff4: cecil harvey,
dff: terra branford,
ff7: rosso,
kh: saix,
ff9: zidane tribal,
dff: kuja,
kh: terra,
ffx: auron,
dff: onion knight,
ffxiii: snow villiers,
ff7: genesis rhapsodos,
ffxi: rishfee,
ffcc: layle,
ffxiii: oerba dia vanille,
kh: demyx,
ff7: sephiroth,
ff7: cissnei,
ff7: cloud strife,
ff4: barbariccia,
kh: sephiroth,
ff7: kunsel,
ff7: rude,
ff7: hojo,
ff8: laguna loire,
ffvi: umaro,
dff: squall leonhart,
ff8: seifer almasy,
kh: rikku,
ff1: red mage,
ff6: terra branford,
dff: cosmos,
ff8: rinoa heartily,
ff7: denzel,
ffxiii: hope estheim,
ffta: original character,
dff: cloud strife,
ff6: edgar roni figaro,
ffx: braska,
dff: chaos,
kh: ansem,
ffx: shuyin,
ff2: original character,
ff7: tseng,
kh: aqua,
ff7: ifalna,
ffmq: phoebe,
dff: sephiroth,
ff9: vivi orunitia,
ffxii: mjrn,
dff: warrior of light,
ff7: kadaj,
ffxi: selh'teus,
ff5: krile mayer baldesion,
kh: zidane tribal,
ff8: raine loire,
ffxii: balthier,
ff: monster,
kh: isa,
ff2: minwu,
kh: sora,
ff7: squall leonhart,
ff9: adelbert steiner,
dff: ultimecia,
ff7: marlene wallace,
kh: xemnas,
ff7: lucrecia crescent,
ffxi: leonoyne,
ff7: yuffie kisaragi,
dff: jecht,
ff7: zack fair,
kh: zack fair,
ff6: relm arrowny,
ff8: kiros seagil,
ffxiii: oerba yun fang,
kh: cloud strife,
kh: roxas,
ff1: black mage,
ff7: veld,
ff7: angeal hewley,
ff8: zell dincht,
kh: luxord,
ff8: ultimecia,
ff7: shelke rui,
ffxii: fran,
kh: leon,
ff8: squall leonhart,
ffxiii: serah farron,
ff8: selphie tilmitt,
ff7: tifa lockhart,
dff: tidus,
kh: rinoa heartilly,
ff4: ursula,
ffcc: meeth crym,
ffxii: ashelia b'nargin dalmasca,
ff4: edge,
ffxii: larsa ferrinas solidor,
kh: riku,
kh: kairi,
ff7: reeve tuesti,
ffx: tidus,
ff9: garnet til alexandros xvii,
ff7: rufus shinra,
ffx: original character,
ffxii: vaan,
ff2: firion,
ffxii: gran kilitas